Masonry & Asphalt Products
Asphalt & Tar Remover DE-776 is a specifically formulated detergent
used for removal of tar, asphalt, tree sap, adhesive residues, oil field
tars and greases. This product is able to be flushed away with water.
For use on asphalt/tar trucks, oil field equipment, heavy duty road
equipment, painted and plastic surfaces.
Easily applied with spray or brush. To use, allow the detergent to sit
and penetrate then flush with high pressure rinse.
- Economical per gallon cost.
- Asphalt & Tar Remover DE-776 can be diluted with up to 3 parts
- Many asphalt paving companies love the heavy duty, quick acting
- Asphalt & Tar Remover DE-776 is a non-corrosive product that
- makes it environmentally friendly and provides maximum user
- Product will float on water.
- Collect and investigate as a fuel in a waste oil furnace. This can
- This product can be removed with an oily water separator or
- Works well in hard or soft water.
Use Asphalt & Tar Remover DE-776 undiluted. May be applied using a
pump up sprayer or brushed on or wiped on. After applying, allow to
penetrate the asphalt. Wipe off or pressure rinse with water.
- 100% Active Ingredients
- Flash Point = >121° F
- pH 5% Solution = 6 - 9
- Specific Gravity = .82
- VOC = 779 grams per liter
- Freeze / thaw stable
- USDA Letter of Guarantee - NA
- Shelf Life = Two years in a sealed container
- Softening = Exclusive anti-scale system to prevent scale coil clogging.
- Ozone & Smog = Does not carry ingredients that attack the earth’s ozone, or contribute to smog.
- 20 Litre Pail P/N DE-776-20
- 205 Litre Drum P/N DE-776-205